Benjamin Katz Creative
How We Work
Web Consulting

In order for us to create a site that actually benefits your business we like to make sure that you understand what we are looking for in a client. We are selective about which projects we work on because we see more value in improving your business rather than just making something look nice.

You have goals

This seems obvious, but without goals we will have no direction for the site or any idea what we will base success on. Understanding what you actually want out of the site lets us design an experience that’s useful and helps your business thrive. Sometimes goals are hard to put to paper. In that case, we can guide you through the process.

You have passion

A website project takes a lot of time and effort from the client. We want to work with a client who cares about their online business and wants to put in the effort to build their audience. We want a client who’s ready to put their all into the project and is willing to take on the responsibility we require.

You are ready to invest

Websites are a business investment. Clients should be ready to invest in a site that will align with their goals and increase business. Our clients will expect a balance between what they put into a project and what they get back.

You have a team

We collaborate with our clients and expect them to agree upon and meet deadlines to keep the project timeline in tact. If a client does not have a team, they should expect to hire resources to fill those rolls. It could be as simple as hiring a virtual assistant to cover little tasks that an owner doesn’t always have time for.

You have an audience

A client needs to understand who their audience is and what that audience wants from their business. Or at least understand that having a target audience is an important step in creating a successful business.

You Have Time

In order to get a site launched we need a client’s undivided attention. Deadlines can be easy to miss once communication starts to slow down. We will postpone a project when we notice that we have lost the client to other pressing matters.

Still Interested?

If you feel that we are a good fit after reading this, and you are interested in our services, please proceed to answer a few questions we have about your business:

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